Lavender and Honey Cupcakes

We've been talking to Aurelia Lambrechts, owner and head baker at Philosophy of Yum. Aurelia uses Lavender in Lavender Hill's lavender cooking herb to create delicious, melt in your mouth Lavender and Honey cakes and cupcakes.
"I make Lavender & Honey cake with it - it is lovely! It was tricky getting the amount of lavender just right, but now it's beautifully balanced. I brush the cupcakes/cake with honey when they are still hot, which then seeps in a little bit. They are then topped with cream cheese frosting and an extra sprinkle of dried lavender. Yummy!" "Flavour is what drives us. We believe that a baked product that doesn't make you emotional is a waste of time... Jump on board, we're going to show you the way!"
Light, moist and fluffy lavender infused vanilla cakes can be ordered from Philosophy of Yum.
Standard Price: R 11,00 each
Up-Style Price: R15 – R18 each (Depending on decoration)
Batch Quantity: Batches of 9
Also available in Mini Cakes: R 120 each
Also available in Large Cakes: R 250 each
Please note orders need to be placed at least 3 days in advance.
A 50% deposit is required for all custom orders.
At Philosophy of Yum they love to meet people who are passionate about good food. Drop them a line or give them a call! . Phone: +27 72 295 8885​