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New outlet in Claremont - The Healing Room

We are excited to announce that you can now get your Lavender in Lavender Hill goodies at The Healing Room in Claremont.

Apart from being excited about a new outlet for our products, we really love what The Healing Room offers - medicine for life towards balance. When visiting The Healing Roum you can enjoy a cup of herbal tea as you contemplate your healing requirements in this tranquil and soothing place of rest and rejuvenation.

You can choose from a variety of goods on offer such as nurturing hand and body creams, Italian lavender sachets, California sage bundles, Palo Santo sacred wood sticks for cleansing, creativity medicine bags, small percussion instruments, African-Native American totem animal artifacts and semi-precious stones.

In this lovely space you can allow your sense of creativity and play to be ignited by colourful art and craft supplies, mandala packs and art cards. You can even visit the fairy garden and experience the healing capacity of Mother Nature to calm and soothe

Find Your Sense of Creative Purpose at The Healing Room.

Be Inspired. Be fulfilled.

For more information on The Healing Room or for an appointment contact Diane Marais on

Cell: 082 926 0548


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