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Highlands House ladies enjoying some Lavender

On this lovely sunny Cape Town morning we visited the ladies from Highlands House retirement home to tell them all about Lavender in Lavender Hill. We had a lovely time teaching them all about the uses of the miracle oil - lavender essential oil - and how to use lavender flowers for medicinal and relaxing purposes. All our product producers and people who benefit from the Lavender in Lavender Hill company were introduced. The ladies enjoyed seeing who were the people behind the products and business. We ended off the presentation with some lovely lavender biscuits and tea tasting.

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"I've bought my 3rd box of lavender tea in 30 days. I absolutely love it! I ad it to my Five Roses in my tea pot in the morning. I struggle to enjoy any cup of tea without it since I started drinking it.” - Katrien Grobler - CEO Faithful to Nature


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Lavender in Lavender Hill is managed by The Other Option


Monday - Friday: 9 a.m - 5 p.m

+27 (0)82 940 8390

Fish Hoek, Western Cape, South Africa

© 2014 by Lavender in Lavender Hill. All rights reserved.

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