Spoil your women this Woman's Day and Secretary's Day

Every year on 9 August we celebrate Women’s Day in South Africa, a public holiday that pays homage to the women of our nation - the mothers, the wives, the sisters and the daughters who fought tirelessly against the tyranny of the Apartheid government.
On this day we celebrate the strong women of the past and celebrate the amazing women in South Africa today - each one unique, strong and special.
National Secretaries Day in South Africa is celebrated annually on the first Wednesday of September. It was established as an effort to recognize secretaries for their contributions in the workplace, and to attract people to secretarial or administrative careers.
Spoil the women in your life and workplace this Woman's day and Secretary's day by pampering them with some Lavender in Lavender Hill, all natural ingredient, health beneficial pamper products.
Order via lavender.lavenderhill@gmail.com or www.lavenderinlavenderhill.co.za